Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

best brand smartphone / tablet pc china brand ala kumpulbacaan.blogspot.com

pusing sob, kaga punya duit, penghasilan nyekek, bensin naek, ongkos naek, makan naek,
serasa kejepit hidup lo????? tapi pengen tampil oke, kece, gaoll, ngetrend????
yaaaaaelaaaaaah sama sob..hehe
jalan keluarnya ada sob biar kite tampil kece nan elegan disamping semakin tercekiknya gegara bensin yang naek..
daripada kite mesti beli smartphone / tablet yang anyar buatan korea tea yang harganya berjuta2 mahalnya kite bisa pilih merek china aja sob alias lokal, dijamin deh kualitasnya ada yang oke dibanding merek lainnya sob..
yahhh tapi ada juga sih yang harganya murahnya ga ketulungan dan ga masuk akal dengan riwayat hisup yang pastinya singkat sob..haha yah itung2 nyewa smartphone biar dibilang gaaol
berikut artikel merk /  brand tablet china yang dikenal lumayan cakep sob harga dan jeroannya dikenal lumayan dibanding lumanyun..
datanya berdasarkan best brand china top 2012 ya sob

1. Ainol Android Tablet. The price more or less than $90. This tablet runs on the Android market and has one of the good cameras and video built in devices. The humanization establishes the external appearance vogue beautiful, upscale. For folks who are extremely interested in picture and video capability, this is likely the best tablet on the market. The 7inch tablets are called: PaladinElfAurora.
2. Cube Android Tablet. Cube introduced the Android 4.0.3 tablet and it rapidly became a big hit. Not only does it come with more than high resolution and software – it have been designed to be the better tablet for movie and video watching. The U9GT2 made with IPS screen, which is the same as ipad screen. This tablet is priced moderately, depending which version you get and is sure to please nearly anyone looking for an aesthetic and usable tablet operating system. This tablet has all the features of traditional tablets, including a camera, and reached extremely high sales numbers in 2011.
3. Teclast Android Tablet. One of the best things about the Teclast tablet is that is has ultra-thin body which makes it extremely fashion. It will not bring burden for your bag. the popular 9.7 inch teclast A10t  have LG IPS screen, CPU Speed 1.5GHz ensures that video streaming is seamless and quick. It has both 3G and Wi-Fi capabilities, and big battery to keep you going for a long time.
4. Zenithink Tablets. the well-konw Zenithink ZT-280 C91, and Zenithink C71, these two of  Zenithink classic models are worm welcomed by many users, especially the upgraded version of Zenithink C91,  come with 1GB RAM and 10-point capacitive touch screen, android 4.0 ICS OS, far more better configuration and performance than the 1st version.  And the price of Zenithink tablets are also lower than other new brands.
5. Flytouch Series. The Flytouch 6 also named Superpad VI have 10.1inch touch screen, which have 3G, connect with wifi or 3G. Up to users. Many consumers think that this tablet has the feel of a fly touch, good touch screen. While cheaper than many tablets on the market, it too runs on the new 2.3 Android operating system and comes with a 5-mega pixel camera. Picture quality is decent, It is worth trying, especially since it costs more or less than $150.
6. Huawei Tablet
HUAWEI limited itusob...setau gw perusahann sekelas BUMN dichina sono sob jadi kualitas barangnya dijamin sendiri sob ama negaranya demi memperbaiki citra "barang china"
7. ZTE Tablet
nah kalo ZTE sama tuh sob kata HUAWEI *berkelas BUMN dijamin negaranya sob namun ZTE lebih mengarah kelas menengah kebawah pangsa pasarnya sob dengan harga minimun dapetin kualitas yang minimum pula tapi adaan..*ngerti ga??? kalo ga ngerti TUTUP aja halaman ini sob..hahaha
DAN TAU GA SIH LO SOB kalo cuma zte, huawei, dan lenovo merk smartphone / tablet yang masuk kategory 10 best brand word kalo masi ga tauu?///? TUTUP aja sob halaman web ini..

pasti kenal dong sob brand yang satu ini??? jelas perusahaan LENOVO dulunya adalah IBM yang dikenal perusahaan pertama pencipta teknologi pc sob dan karena IBM mau bangkrut akibat kurangnya kreatifitas mengembangkan teknologi jadinya dibeli deh ama lenovo alias brand china dan akhirnya lenovo kini prusahaan china berkelas dunia sob karena teknologi dan onderdilnya dijamin berkualitas dengan harga yang pantas sob
nah diantara 5 brand tablet oke kaga disebutin kan sob merek IMO, MITO, NEXIAN, CROSS, BLUEBERRY???? jadi ya kualitasnya juga bisa dijamin sob rusaknya...haha

oiya sob kalo lo pade kaga ngarti bahasa inggris tentang rincian no 1-5 jangan minder sob, jangan ngerasa lo itu paling bodoh sedunia sob, tinggal copas aja DISINI sob..
kaga tau cara copas sob??? berarti lu bener2 bego sobb..hahaha tapi tenang sob masih ada ko yang lebih bodoh..
yang paling bodoh itu INI sob

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